Day 2: Refining Lamp Mechanics and Combat Interactions

Date: August 18, 2024

Objective for the Day:

  • Focus on refining and expanding the lamp mechanics.
  • Implement and enhance combat interactions, especially the laser beam mechanics and flashlight skill.
  • Integrate feedback from initial playtesting to improve the overall gameplay experience.

Morning Session: Fine-Tuning Lamp Mechanics

This morning was dedicated to enhancing the core lamp mechanics, pivotal to our game's unique interaction design. Key developments included:

  • Smooth Transitions: Improved the lamp's intensity and range adjustments to be smoother, using Mathf.SmoothDamp for a more responsive and visually polished interaction.
  • Laser Mode Enhancements: Refined the laser mode transition, employing Mathf.SmoothDampAngle to ensure a seamless and satisfying switch between normal and laser modes, enhancing the combat feel.

Afternoon Session: Combat Interactions and Bug Destruction

The afternoon focused on advancing combat functionalities, particularly enhancing the laser mode:

  • Laser Raycast Improvements: Developed a precise raycasting system for better beetle targeting, using Physics2D.Raycast to ensure accurate and responsive combat dynamics.
  • Particle Effects on Bug Destruction: Introduced particle effects to visually reward the player when destroying beetles with the laser, creating a satisfying and impactful feedback.

Evening Session: Implementing the Flashlight Skill

Evening efforts were centered on implementing the flashlight skill, a new strategic element for player interaction:

  • Skill Activation: Set up a double-click timer mechanism allowing the activation of the flashlight skill, which uses rapid flashing to disorient and destroy bugs.
  • Bug Elimination: Integrated SectorCollider2D to detect and eliminate bugs during the flashlight skill’s final flash, adding strategic depth to gameplay.

Concept Art and UI/UX Developments:

  • Concept Art: Finalized the opening background image and began high-fidelity renderings of the insect designs, enhancing the visual narrative and game atmosphere.
  • New Insect Designs: Introduced two new insect types, the Ghost Bug and Beetle, defining their interactive behaviors with the lamp and specifying reward and penalty mechanisms to streamline development communication.
  • UI/UX Enhancements: Developed dynamic effects such as the dissolve effect when Ghost Bugs die and light particle effects when Beetles are attacked, aimed at confirming player actions effectively within the game. Designed a custom font and updated the design guide to align with the current game style.

Sound Design Updates:

  • Audio Effects: Produced sound effects for in-game actions like turning the lamp on and off, and button presses, enhancing the auditory feedback and player immersion.

Challenges Faced:

  • Balancing the Laser Mode: Adjusted the laser mode to avoid overpowering gameplay, focusing on achieving a balanced resource management system.
  • Smooth Skill Implementation: Faced challenges in making the flashlight skill intuitive and impactful, requiring multiple iterations to perfect the user experience.

Next Steps:

  • Continue playtesting to refine newly integrated mechanics and gather more user feedback.
  • Introduce additional bug types with unique behaviors to enrich the gameplay variety.
  • Enhance UI elements to better display player’s battery status and skill indicators.

End of Day 2: Today's development focused heavily on refining crucial gameplay mechanics and enhancing the combat experience. The new changes are anticipated to significantly boost player engagement and game strategy. I look forward to testing these updates and continuing to refine the gameplay.

Stay tuned for more insights as our game development journey progresses!

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